2021 Workplace Mental Health Trends: What Finance Professionals Like You Are Planning For

Mental health took new priority in 2020, especially in the already high-pressure finance sector. With the need for better solutions at an all-time high, what should finance employers focus on first?

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2021 will be a defining year for mental health offerings

Living through crisis after crisis in 2020 eroded even your best employees’ mental health and motivation. Two-thirds of senior financial services leaders are considering quitting their jobs if work stress does not improve. Employers can no longer ignore workforce mental health, and 2021 will be defined by how organizations handle the ongoing mental health crisis. Get insights from benefits professionals at leading firms like Morgan Stanley and BBH to inform your benefits strategy for the year ahead.

See what 300+ HR and benefits professionals predict for 2021, including:

  • Higher demand for evidence-based care
  • The de-stigmatization of mental health services
  • Expansion of comprehensive mental health benefits beyond the EAP
  • A renewed focus on preventive mental health options